Well! It was an adventure to Alamo City Comicon last week! As always, I met such great old and new fans of my work on She Ra and Batman and the other animated series I voiced . Each day brought a new surprise and a new feeling of gratitude for you all. And it was such fun to have the panel televised with a huge screen all over the convention ! I loved answering each question everyone had and always look forward to doing it again.
At my table, the stories you shared with me about why She Ra meant so much to you made my heart full of joy and purpose.
I wish I’d had more photos taken but at least I got a few for you all!
This little girl has a horse she loves called Jack Jack and she also was interested in how someone becomes a voice actor. And sure enough she wanted a photo of SheRa on Swift Wind! I love meeting the little ones because, in their eyes I see all the hopes and wishes I also had as a little girl. Another little girl who hadn’t been to the panel came up and wanted me to hear the voice of She Ra, so when I started with “I am Adora, He Man’s twin sister , and defender of the Crystal Castle!”…she burst into tears and it took a bit of time to get over her shock, so she grabbed her Mom, and we both smiled a deep smile at how much it meant to her.
And then there were the She Ra ladies who came in costume ready for fun! Here’s a great variation on the classic SheRa costume—and her friend (wish I could remember his name!) made the WHOLE thing, sword included. And that sword is heavy and the gemstone actually flickers with light!
And another wonderful young woman who dressed as SheRa came to have an autograph photo to be dedicated to her sisters memorial walk. That was Sarah, and she gave me a bracelet to honor the organization (AFSP.org) for which I am very grateful.
All the volunteers at the convention were superb, and made the long days so much better with all their help. Here’s my terrific new friend Lupe, who was so great to have helping me during my stay. Knowing she was there to help with all the details while some of you had to wait to talk with me was such a blessing. Thank you, Lupe!
I’ll be home for a while, but plan to be at a few cons next year. The first one is a short one in Las Vegas .
Sending lots of love to you all always!